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The Importance of Performance

The Importance of Performance

Whether your child is a beginner or an advanced musician, it is imperative to recognize the important role that performance plays in a child's music education. When children commit to a performance opportunity they automatically begin to layout a plan to achieve a successful performance. This, in itself is a great benefit!

Working towards a successful performance engages all those qualities like self-discipline and perseverance that help us as individuals grow in life experience. Ramping up practice schedules and refining all those techniques that give us the best opportunity for a positive and memorable performance are the nuts and bolts of it all. From the moment the commitment is made, a song is chosen and a new frame of mind begins to take shape. It's an exciting adventure to witness! As teachers and musicians, we are, in effect asking our students to put their best foot forward, be vulnerable in front of strange people, and trust that success will be their reward.

If your child is approaching a "first" recital, it is important for them to have a clear understanding of some key factors so they are not caught off guard and overwhelmed come performance day. Here are a few things performers should have a grasp on before they enter the concert venue:

- A description of the concert hall and the number of people they can expect in the audience

- The type of instrument they can expect to play (upright piano, grand piano)

- The dress code (this is a biggie - performances are important events and the mode of dress should reflect this)

- Should the music be memorized or should they bring their books/sheet music

- Where are they expected to report to when they arrive at the venue

- What happens after their performance is over

As your child grows and develops, over the years they will remember their performances with great clarity. They will remember where it was held, what they wore and the song they played. They will recall the performances from other students that may have stood out in their minds. They will recall how they felt about their performances, what went wrong and what went right.

The musical memories of our lives have a special compartment in our hearts and our minds. Those compartments need to be filled! If your child has not signed up for a Community Service Concert or our year end Celebration of Music, please consider the possibility that encouraging your child to perform will give them the lift they need to spread their wings and soar.

Virginia Gina Selvaggi

Musaic Director of Music

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